Yesterday, the trial for the death of 16 yr old Calista Springer began. The story goes, in 2008 the step-mother was vacuuming in their 100+ old historic home, when the vacuum started a fire. The mother and the dog were able to get out of the home. But Calista was upstairs. The mother yelled for officers and firefighters to save her daughter. First officer on the scene (whose name I cannot find at the moment) tried to reach her, but the smoke and heat were too much to bear. It was not until after the fire was out, that they finally did reach her. They found her chained by dog chains and zip ties to a bed.
It is said at this time, that Calista died of smoke inhalation. The zip ties had not melted which means the heat was not strong in her room. It is also said if she had not been chained down, Calista would have survived the fire.
Calista's stepmother, Marsha Springer, and father, Anthony Springer are both being tried. They have separate defense attorneys, and it is said that Anthony Springer is on heavy medications for mental illness during the trial. The claim from the Springers is they chained Calista to protect herself and others. Calista had mild developmental issues, and the parents claim she would wander the house at night.
On February 23, a jury found both Marsha and Anthony Springer guilty of child abuse and torture, but not murder. I will be researching several things, including why they are being tried for this case again just 2 months after the first trial.
Currently on the stand is: Dr. Stephen Cohle who says her lungs were black from smoke inhalation. There was a significant amount of bendaryl in her system, and there is no evidence she tried to get free.
Here is the first trial notes: