Wednesday 24 March 2010

Body of Evidence? Is it Natalee Holloway?

You might remember this case. In 2005, Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba during a high school senior trip. Suspicion lies around a group of Aruban boys who most believe had something to do with her death. There is a claim by an American couple that they may have accidentally taken pictures of a body during a snorkeling tour off the shores in Aruba. They believe this is the body of Natalee Holloway.

John and Patti Muldowney did not immediately discover what they believe to be a skeleton in their vacation photos, until months later when sitting down to view the pictures of their trip with another couple who had also been on the trip with them. The Muldowneys sent the photo to the FBI, Quantico, to the parents of Natalee and did not hear anything back. Attorney of Natalee's mother simply told them they were aware of the photo but would make no comment.

John Muldowney decided to contact some media sources and share with them the picture of what he believed to be a skeleton bound at the hands. The production team of Nancy Grace contacted Aruba officials after the picture ran across their newsroom. The Aruba officials said, they had not been told of such picture ever exisitng. There are now several diving excursions in the areas of the snorkeling tour the Muldowneys had been a part of.

Medical experts are torn saying it could or could not be a body lying on the ocean floor. But most of those who have shared their opinion say the level of decomposition would be much greater if it was Natalee. Including the fact her jaw would not still be attached after all these years under water.

Mr. Muldowney said, he understands it might not be Natalee Holloway, but with all the press on her disappearance that is who he believes it is. He is confident the formation he sees, is indeed a body lying flat on the skeleton's back, and hands bound laying on the chest. He says no matter who it is laying on the ocean floor, there deserves to be closure.

Last month, one of the suspects, Joran van der Sloot confessed to a tv news crew about what happened that night. His claim is he was alone with Natalee when she began seizing. When the seizing stopped, she was no longer breathing. He then said he dumped her in a marsh. Interesting to note, that van der Sloot made a different confession 2 years earlier during an under cover investigation made by a Dutch reporter named Peter R. de Vries. In this confession, he said Natalee had been intoxicated and fell off a balcony.

Because of the inconsistencies in the information provided by van der Sloot in these separate confessions, the officials of Aruba are not taking the claims seriously yet. The officials also say the confessions do not constitute as legal evidence.

Here is a link to an enlarged copy of the photo the Muldowneys claim to show the body of someone.

What do you think?

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